Solo gorilla mother joins new group
Normally, female mountain gorillas spend their entire lives in groups, relying on an adult male silverback to protect their young. But when Pasika’s group dispersed
Normally, female mountain gorillas spend their entire lives in groups, relying on an adult male silverback to protect their young. But when Pasika’s group dispersed
Last year Fossey Fund field staff observed the formation of four new gorilla groups in Rwanda, all created by solitary silverback males. One of these
For seven months, mountain gorilla mother Pasika did something remarkable. Normally, female mountain gorillas spend their entire lives in groups, relying on an adult male
Deep in the forest of Rwanda’s Virunga mountains, one gorilla mother is earning the title of “wonder woman.” Pasika is a 26-year-old mountain gorilla observed
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund staff are concerned about an unusual situation in one of the mountain gorilla groups we follow every day, because the
December 1999 Pasika Has Grown Up! Pasika (8-year-old female) was discovered to be missing on Tuesday, October 12th, 1999. The day before there was a