
Karisoke Cottage Industries

April 1999

Karisoke Cottage Industries

Some of the 260 members of the Karisoke community. DFGFI supports their efforts to start a cottage industry.The Karisoke community in Ruhengeri consists of trackers, their wives, and children. On average, each tracker has five children to feed and maintain in school. DFGFI is committed to the long-term support of the Karisoke staff. However, DFGFI is also looking for ways the Karisoke community can help themselves. When 35 wives were asked what action they could take to support themselves, they suggested the following cottage industries:

  • Buy a milling machine to make flour and sell.
  • Start an agricultural cooperative to grow crops and raise domestic stock.
  • Buy a sewing machine and open a clothes repair business.
  • Open a general store.