
Jane Goodall visits Zoo Atlanta, Fossey Fund’s home base

December 15, 2014

Jane Goodall visits Zoo Atlanta, Fossey Fund's home base

Like Dr. Dian Fossey, the legendary scientist Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, was fascinated by animals as a child and went to Africa as a young woman to study apes, in her case chimpanzees. And like Dian Fossey, Goodall also encountered the famed archaeologist and paleontologist Louis S. B. Leakey, who hired her as an assistant and asked her to study a group of chimpanzees in Tanzania. And, of course, both Fossey and Goodall became pioneering field scientists, providing the world with intimate knowledge of the lives and behaviors of great apes.

Luckily, Jane Goodall is still able to travel the world, to write about her experiences, and to inspire others to continue in this field and to protect endangered species and the environment. Zoo Atlanta, which is home to the Fossey Fund’s U.S. offices (provided pro bono), was fortunate to be able to host Goodall last week for a lecture to students and staff.

Fossey Fund CEO Dr.Tara Stoinski with Dr. Jane GoodallIn her lecture, Goodall said that while the planet faces many problems, her biggest reason for hope is young people, her second biggest source of hope is “our brains,” and the third is the human spirit. ““Every day you live you do make a difference. And you can choose what kind of difference you make,” she said.