
Guillain Mitamba
Nkuba Base Manager
Guillain Mugilegile Mitamba is based at the Nkuba Conservation Area in the DR Congo. He is responsible for all Fossey Fund activities related to agriculture, livestock, fish farming and local community forestry concessions, which help offset pressures on the forest and raise awareness for the protection and conservation of the Grauer’s gorillas.
Mugilegile Mitamba’s experience includes 12 years with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in biological inventory activities in Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Kundendelungu Park, Itombwe Nature Reserve, Maiko Park, Kasese Community Forests and the Mount Hoyo Reserve. He was the first to carry out species inventory work in five areas in Kahuzi-Biega during a period of intense insecurity and played a major role in monitoring WCS’s socio-economic activities in this World Heritage site. Other activities included leading missions to advocate against the killing of endangered species in several parks, and participating in the launch of an operation to identify illegal mining sites.
Mugilegile Mitamba holds a degree in rural development and a diploma in rural planning from the University of Rural Development in Bukavu. His thesis focused on the impact of the involvement of local communities in the management of protected areas.