1. Visit our Learning and Fun page!
We know that many of us are spending lots of quality family time together right now. Our website has fun activities you and your family can do together! From our Learning and Fun page, you can look at gorilla family trees, track the gorillas, take a gorilla personality test, print coloring pages, and pick from a list of fun learning materials!
2. View the media on our website!
In addition to the activities, the Learning and Fun page also contains our image gallery and video vault. Here, you can see photos from throughout the Fossey Fund’s history, videos of the gorillas partaking in everyday behaviors, and learn about different aspects of the Fossey Fund!
3. Play a gorilla game!
Just like our trackers in the field, you too can research behavior! To become a researcher, grab a pencil and paper and find a person or animal to watch. Set a timer for 10 minutes and write down all the behaviors you see your subject doing! Relaxing on the couch? “Resting”! Eating some chips? “Feeding”!
4. Stay up to date on all the 5TF episodes!
If you haven’t already heard, we have each 5TF episode in written form on our website! If you search “5TF” on our website, it will pull up every episode we’ve had. If you missed one or want to learn more about the facts we discuss, this is a great resource for you!
5. Have a gorilla drawing contest!
If you’re feeling artistic, try drawing a gorilla! You can find our step-by-step directions on our Learning and Fun page! Follow the directions and see how it turns out! Post it and tag us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter! Think you can do better than us?

Make sure to submit your gorilla drawing by Saturday, April 4th at 5pm. Our partners at the Ellen Fund will be choosing a winner. The winner will receive a Gorilla Fund Prize and will be featured in our next Gorilla Journal and on our next 5TF update!
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