
Terrible Storms Hit the Gorilla Rehabilitation And Conservation Education (GRACE) center

February 3, 2011

Terrible Storms Hit the Gorilla Rehabilitation And Conservation Education (GRACE) center in Democratic Republic of Congo

Staff at the GRACE center have reported the worst storms in more than five years. Power is out and may not be back for a week so communications are difficult. Although many trees were blown down, the gorilla night quarters and fence did not take any direct hits so the gorillas are doing fine. The human primates are faced with no plumbing and must quickly dig a new pit latrine and, as usual when there is heavy rain, the road to Kasugho is impassable because of mud. The good news is the DRC government has plans to fix the road which is essential for traffic and supplies to the many projects supported by the Fossey Fund all located in and around the village of Kasugho.

The newest infant gorilla Kyasa, age 6 months, arrived at GRACE over the weekend and has settled in amazingly well. He explores the fenced forest area with his caregiver and is curious and happy. Plans for the next airlift of the 6 gorillas remaining in the temporary facility in Kinigi, Rwanda are underway but a definite date has not yet been arranged. The next few months will be very interesting as gorillas of varying ages and temperaments adjust to each other. Or more challenging, do not adjust to each other. Wish I could be there to observe!

More later,
